Paris, France, December 1, 2020
Step Pharma SAS, in collaboration with Sygnature Discovery, has been selected to present a poster named “STP938, a Novel, Potent and Selective Inhibitor of CTP Synthase 1 (CTPS1) is a Targeted Therapy Specifically Blocking De Novo Nucleotide Synthesis in Lymphomas and Leukemias” at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference starting December 5th.

About Step Pharma
Step Pharma is focused on the development of a novel class of oral nucleotide synthesis inhibitors targeting CTPS1 for the improved treatment of a range of cancer types. The company has identified several inhibitors of CTPS1, with the most advanced, STP938, being prepared for clinical studies in haematological malignancies.
Step Pharma was founded in June 2014 by Kurma Partners, the Imagine Institute, and Sygnature Discovery based on the scientific discoveries of Dr Sylvain Latour and Prof. Alain Fischer (UMR1163 Inserm unit). Step Pharma is based in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France, and is supported by a strong investor base led by Kurma Partners and including Bpifrance (Fonds Biothérapies Innovantes et Maladies Rares and InnoBio2 Fund), Pontifax, Hadean Ventures, Sunstone Life Science Ventures, Inserm Transfert Initiative, Idinvest, Sygnature Discovery and the Imagine Institute.
For more information please contact
Step Pharma
Andrew Parker, Chief Executive Officer